• Hendrik Bulens

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Announcing Dime.Scheduler 2021.1.0

The first release of the year is among us! Dime.Scheduler 2021.1.0 is another minor release with a small number of new features and bug fixes. We are also happy to announce the general availability of the all-in-one installer that will drastically make your life easier.

What's new

Dime.Scheduler vNext

In this release, we have made some major advances in our journey towards the next generation of Dime.Scheduler in the cloud. Nearly all of that is behind the covers though and is yet come to fruition.

As part of this major endeavour, we have upgraded the hosting model of the Windows Services, which comes with improved performance and a simplified installation procedure. Make sure to check out the upgrade guide before updating to 2021.1.0.


We added more capabilities to the all-in-one installer as well. For example, you can now save and load installation parameters to a file so you can reuse the installation parameters for subsequent updates.

This installer has now gone out of its beta phase and is now the official installation procedure for Dime.Scheduler. Check out the revised setup manual for all the instructions.

Plugin authentication

Due to a tedious configuration process, we have suspended the authentication and authorization policy of the plugin websites and replaced it with a standard Forms authentication mechanism. Just like with the main planning application, a

is provisioned so you can get started managing your instance.

BC Connector

This version also comes with more capabilities of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central connector extension:

  • Send company country code as fallback value
  • Send link to job card with task
  • Use default date sorting in the DS appointments list page
  • Hide certain resources in Dime.Scheduler

New features

Improvements and bug fixes

In addition to the traditional performance and stability improvements, the following bugs have been fixed:

  • Set project starting date on a future date in Gantt chart
  • Whitespace in planning board
  • Planning board rendering when hidden
  • Delete users with (private) layouts
  • Long text alignment with icon in FireFox
  • Resource and user filters 'and' condition
  • Delete after cut results in phantom appointment
  • Race conditions in the setting pages
  • Resource settings grid race condition

Supported languages

We added translations for the following languages:

  • Bulgarian
  • Bosnian
  • Estonian
  • Croatian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Slovakian
  • Slovenian
  • Ukranian

That brings the total amount of supported languages to 27.

Upgrade guide

⚠️ This version includes breaking changes. To upgrade to Dime.Scheduler 2021.1.0, follow the upgrade guide before deploying the new version.

What's next

In the next quarter, we aim to create a synchronization flow between Dime.Scheduler and Exchange. In accordance with our roadmap, we will spend a considerable amount of time creating a design that enables automated and optimized workflows to be integrated with the existing planning tools.

Welcome to the team, Hendrik!

We are happy to announce that Hendrik Bulens has joined the company and will run the company with Tom Taffin. Hendrik has been with us for more than five years and knows the company and its products inside out. He will help to lift Dime to the next level with new and improved products and services.

New product page

We have a brand new website for Dime.Scheduler. If you head over to www.dimescheduler.com, you will find heaps of resources that you can share with your customers. There are links to documents, brochures, videos, etc. at your disposal that could alleviate some of your work when you want to recommend Dime.Scheduler to your customer or prospect. There's even a chat function where you can talk to one of our partner managers.

Also, you can let us do a free demo for you. Just click on the 'Request a demo' button and you can schedule a demo and invite your prospects and customers to an hour-long Teams meeting. You will receive a confirmed Teams meeting in your inbox after just a few seconds.

So definitely go check it out at 👉 www.dimescheduler.com.

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About the author

Hendrik Bulens is Managing Partner at Dime Software and leads the Dime.Scheduler product team. His many years of experience as a consultant and passion for business and technology have helped shape Dime.Scheduler into what it is today and define where it is headed.

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Hendrik Bulens