• Hendrik Bulens

    1 minute read


    Dime Software

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Ending the year in style

As the year draws to a close, things are slowing down in the partner channel. Out-of-office emails are the rule rather than the exception at this time of the year. This, traditionally, is a great time for us to wrap up a few things that were left pending after the busy conference season.


As we mentioned in our last webinar, 2023 will be another year of significant investments, with Dime.Scheduler as a Service as the headliner. We've already made excellent progress, and we will come up with an update soon.

But before that, we are happy to announce a major revision of the Dime.Scheduler website and the documentation platform. On the website, you will find lots of content, examples, testimonials, news, and links to other resources. The docs, on the other hand, because they were so extensive, have been revised and simplified to make it easier to navigate and search for the right content. The search engine has received a significant update that makes searching easier and faster than ever. Go check out our website www.dimescheduler.com and our documentation platform docs.dimescheduler.com!

In the meantime, we wish you happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!

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About the author

Hendrik Bulens is Managing Partner at Dime Software and leads the Dime.Scheduler product team. His many years of experience as a consultant and passion for business and technology have helped shape Dime.Scheduler into what it is today and define where it is headed.

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Hendrik Bulens